How To Change Your Time Zone On BeReal? Get The Notification The Time You Want!

Time zone no doubt plays a very important role in the app, and on BeReal app too it plays an important role. If you want then you can even change your BeReal time zone. Do you know how to change your Time zone on BeReal? Well, BeReal is the trendiest photo-sharing app that is taking the internet by storm. This photo-sharing app does not come with any filters. You just get to post your real photos.

Well, the best part about the BeReal app is its rule about the time to send the posts which are selected randomly every day and nobody knows in advance the time for BeReal. We all know the time is not the same for all the BeReal users as they live in different countries all around the globe and are not at the same time of the day.

To solve this problem here is a post on how to change your Time zone on BeReal. Well, BeReal has set BeReal time zones through which the users can determine which part of the globe they stay in, so that, they are sure that they get the BeReal notification in the daytime. Hence, changing the time zone on BeReal serves as an important part of the app.

So now, without wasting any more time, let us know how with just a few clicks here and there you can easily change the time zone on BeReal app. Eager to know how? Ok, we not gonna waste any more time of yours, and quickly get started.

How To Change Your Time Zone On BeReal?

So, now it’s time that we get to know about how to change your Time zone on BeReal. The steps are really easy to follow. Once you change your time zone on BeReal you can be sure that you get the BeReal notification in the daytime only. Here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  1. The first thing that you have to do is open your BeReal app.
  2. Now, you have to go to your BeReal profile.
  3. From your profile, you have to go to the profile settings by tapping on the upper right button.
  4. Select the option time zone from the list of settings.
  5. Select your proper time zone from the list of the BeReal time zones that includes: West Asia, America, East Asia, and Europe.
  6. Now, in the message box that opens up, you have to tap on confirm button.

One thing that you have to remember is that when you confirm to change your time zones you agree to two things:

  1. You are allowed to change the BeReal time zone only once a day
  2. After you change the BeReal time zone your present-day BeReal will get deleted.

Now, considering these two factors, you can go ahead and change your BeReal time zone.

What Time Zone Is BeReal?

How To Change Your Time Zone On BeReal

BeReal unlike other social media platforms does not bound its users to a specific time zone. It is because timing is an important thing according to its exceptional functionality. To do this the app will let its users select their time zones to manage to post the BeReals in the daytime and not at an undesired time of the day.

How Does BeReal Work In Different Time Zones?

How Does BeReal Work In Different Time Zones?

When you set your time zone in the BeReal app, you actually allow the BeReal app to know when it is ok to send you a notification to post BeReals. This app will manage to send notifications to the users in each and every time zone at the same time in the day to avoid sending them at midnight.

Wrapping Up:

Now, after reading this post, you do know how to change your Time zone on BeReal. When you change the time zone on the BeReal app you will get the daily notification at the time when you want it to come. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is BeReal At The Same Time Every Day?

Well, the answer to this question is no. BeReal time is not the same every day. It changes every single day. You will get the BeReal notification at any random time stating the time to BeReal. As soon as you receive this notification you get 2 minutes time to click and then post the BeReal photo. If you are late even just for one second then your post will be marked as late.

Q. How What Happens If You Miss BeReal?

If you miss posting on BeReal you will be marked as late. You will get 24 hours to click the BeReal photo. But if you are late or dint click a photo then you will be notified as late. However, if you want to click BeReal there you have to click it the next day when you get the new notification time to BeReal.

Bhawani Singh

Bhawani is a Senior Content Writer at Deasilex. He has 2+ years of experience writing about a wide range of technology topics. His role at Deasilex primarily involves researching, developing and creating content for How to Social Media Articles and Gadgets FAQ's.

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